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いつでも新鮮、幅広い調理に! 天然素材のおいしさ、さらに引き出す!
Our own smoking method made it better! The smoked Maguro of Misaki


Our own smoking method made it better!
The smoked Maguro of Misaki




Misaki Maguro is open to the world
三崎港の歴史と共に歩んできた 創業一二五年の老舗まぐろ廻船問屋 「まぐろの西松」 世界中の海から高品質のまぐろが 集まる「三崎まぐろ」 ブランド力向上と急速に拡大する グローバル市場の開拓に 取り組んでいます。
“Maguro of Nishimatsu” is an old-established  tuna wholesaler founded 125 years ago, which has developed along with the  history of the port of Misaki,  well known in Japan for its Maguro. Various high-quality Maguro  from all over the world arrive in the port of Misaki.  We are now improving  the brand power of “Misaki Maguro”  while expanding to the global market. 





The expert in judging
the quality of Maguro.

漁場・時期にまでこだわった、西松が選んだ 高鮮度な天然メバチまぐろのみを使用。
We also carefully choose the best fishing spots and seasons  to provide the higher quality of natural big-eye Maguro.



 We have developed
our own production method
for smoking the fish.

厳選した良質な天然メバチまぐろの旨味を 引き出す独自製法でスモーク。 保存料、着色料、添加物不使用の天然素材のみの 安心まぐろの生ハムです。
Our own smoking method draws out the deliciousness  of the high-quality natural big-eye Maguro. No preservatives, coloring agents, or additives are used. Our smoked Maguro is  safely made using only natural ingredients. 



Enjoy the marriage of “MAGURO”
with wine and/or cheese

ほのかなハーブとスモークの薫りが食欲をそそり、 洋食、中華、エスニックと様々なジャンルの料理の 具材やワインにもあう食材です。これまでにない 天然メバチまぐろの魅力をお楽しみいただけます。
The slight flavor of herbs and smoke will  stimulate your appetite. It matches well with various wines and foods. Enjoy the amazing taste experience  of natural big-eye Maguro that you never have before.



三崎まぐろのスモーク生ハム「レシピ」は こちら

Endeavor of Nishimatsu


全国の水産高校実習船の問屋として未来の人材育成に携わる。自然環境に配慮したノンフロン式のマイナス 60℃の「超低温冷蔵庫」の設置やまぐろの専門知識を持ったプロフェッショナル育成の 認定制度“まぐろコンシェルジュ認定制度”を立ち上げ、流通業者とともにまぐろの価値向上、価格形成見直 しへの貢献などの活動を行っており三崎まぐろを厳格な基準でブランディング。 国際的資源管理に基づき漁獲されたまぐろのみを扱う。
We have been involved with the future human resource education as a wholesaler of training ships of  fisheries high schools in Japan. We installed an environment-friendly refrigeration unit with the very low  temperature of -60℃ with non-fluorocarbon, and established the certification program of “Maguro  Concierge” to educate professionals in the expertise of Maguro. We have been contributing to improving  the value and price structure of Maguro with local distributors while branding Misaki Maguro through  strict standards.We handle only Maguro caught according to international resource management. 


Certification program of Maguro Concierge

鮮魚担当者やバイヤーにまぐろに関する講習・実技および認定試験を実施。合格者は三崎港のまぐろ産地流通 の現場を視察・体験後に「まぐろコンシェルジュ」として認定され、店舗や広報で活躍している。まぐろの 生態・資源問題から一尾ごと部位ごとの肉質の違い、解凍方法、栄養価、食べ方の提案などを、生産者・ 産地流通業者と共有することで、まぐろ販売店舗の信頼を向上させ、天然まぐろの重要性と遠洋まぐろ漁業の 存続可能な価格形成の見直しに貢献してもらうことを目指す取り組みである。  
We provide seminars, training, and certification examination related to Maguro for persons in charge and  buyers in the fishery industry. Successful candidates can inspect and experience the Maguro distribution  site in the port of Misaki, thereafter they will be certified as a “Maguro Concierge”. Many concierges now  play an active part in stores and public relations. 
From the viewpoint of ecology and water resource issues, by sharing the information on the difference of  fleshiness by part for each fish, thawing method, nutritional value, and cooking methods with producers  and local distributors, we aim at increasing the creditability of Maguro selling stores while contributing to  the importance of Natural Maguro and the improvement of a sustainable price structure in the deep-sea  fishery of Maguro.